How I really feel about CPAP
Jul 10, 2022
CPAP is the gold standard for sleep apnea treatment (see this blog post about why this is). But as medical treatments go, it is rather clunky. You bring a machine into your home to take up space on your bedside table. You have to wear a mask on your face held in place with some super sexy headgear. You have the air pressure delivered through that mask. There's the cleaning, the replacing of the supplies, and the troubleshooting for air leak and mask farts and swallowing air. For those looking for reasons why CPAP use is problematic, there is no shortage of things to point to.
And through all of this, you're expected to sleep. For a person that doesn't often have a great track record with sleep, it can be a lot to handle. It's no wonder that both psychological barriers and physical barriers come up as people consider this therapy for their sleep apnea! I know, because I've been there. And because of all the stories I've heard over the years from my patients.
But sleep apnea is a breathing disorder-- and I have yet to meet someone who doesn't want their breathing disorder treated.
I am fond of saying that "CPAP is the best treatment for sleep apnea, but it is not my stance that the treatment is meant for every single person with sleep apnea."
The bottom line is, CPAP can cure sleep apnea, but only if you can use it. So when you choose CPAP therapy, you are hoping that it will (finally) fix your breathing and your sleep. And all the benefits that come with that. It can sound like the promised land is just over the horizon.
So you use it. And you run into some trouble. And you're not sleeping well--maybe even worse than before. And it will be weeks to months before you see your sleep specialist again. And you're bouncing around with your medical equipment supplier. And you start to doubt.
Where to turn? How to make this better? At what point do you quit trying CPAP?
I believe that with more access to professional support, people can significantly improve their sleep with CPAP . . . or confidently know that they tried enough and they need to move on to a different therapy. This access to professional support is what I provide. I'm taking my expertise outside of the sleep clinic to be available to those who are struggling. Everyone deserves to sleep well. Let's figure it out.
You've got sleep problems...
so is it time for a sleep study?