Why Am I Doing Something More to Help You Sleep?
Jun 15, 2022
If you’re looking at my website, I’ll bet you’re either struggling with CPAP or it’s in your closet. You want to treat your sleep apnea and sleep better. But it's not working as you had hoped and your sleep isn’t fixed. Your sleep apnea may be better, at least sometimes, but it’s a struggle to use the mask. Or you feel that the CPAP itself is making your sleep worse. So you want to work with your sleep doctor to figure out what to do next. Seems reasonable, right?
But within my medical practice, I felt very limited for patients like you. Appointments are short, and my schedule books out months in advance. So, while I have the skills and the experience to help you, there is only so much I can do during your visit. And then it will be a long time before I see you again. This bothers me. This bothers me very much. What good is it to know the diagnosis and have treatment options but not be able to apply the treatment effectively?
In the meantime, you bounce around with your medical equipment supplier with mask fittings and machine adjustments. You might ask your primary care provider for a prescription sleep aid (just in case), or browse the pharmacy aisle looking at over-the-counter options. But you don’t really want to take pills. You turn to the internet to try to find some kind of advice or support that could make a difference . . . even though you know the things you read are too general (at best) or just plain wrong (at worst). You look at other options- maybe you'll order that thing you saw advertised or think about a surgical procedure. You start to dread bedtime. Doubt creeps in and you wonder what you will do if things don't get better soon. You’re so tired of being tired. You need sleep. What next?
This is the problem I am solving. I am taking my expertise outside of the clinic to make a new option for you. What I am providing is regular, weekly virtual group visits so you can have access to professional-quality education and guidance. I will address practical problems and mindset problems that are getting in your way. We meet in groups because there are many common themes when it comes to sleep problems--I have been doing this long enough to see what the patterns are. Plus, you are very likely to benefit from someone else's story. I am developing a community to share their wins and setbacks. I will be drawing on what I know from my collective medical and cognitive/behavioral experience, and also *listening* to what you need in order to start making real progress with your sleep and wakefulness. You deserve to sleep better. I can help.
You've got sleep problems...
so is it time for a sleep study?