CPAP Mask Tips -> Your Comfort is a Priority!
Tired of ripping your CPAP mask off to get comfortable at night?
Struggling with how to choose the right mask for YOU?
Wondering how to deal with things like dry eyes, mouth breathing, gassiness?
Use this guide to get some quick tips and hacks for getting more comfortable with your CPAP mask.
Dr. Wells' Guide to Make Your CPAP Mask Work Like a Dream!
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Included in this guide

Types of Masks

Choosing a Mask

Mask Accessories
PLUS - Reasons why your mask comes off too early
This is a common problem and very frustrating for new users or those who have had a change in their therapy. Request this guide to find out what may be happening for you!

I'm Dr. Wells, a sleep medicine physician with 14 years of clinical experience caring for people using CPAP therapy.
I have seen many patients suffering with finding the right mask, getting a good seal, keeping the mask on, and many other problems.
I have developed this downloadable guide as a way to summarize the top mask related problems I have seen with people just like you using CPAP therapy, but are struggling to get it right. I have included my suggestions for how to get past these issues and things to consider when choosing or using a mask.
It takes time and patience to find the right mask and then regular practice to get used to it.
Finding the right mask is arguably
the most important part of CPAP therapy!
...but it is only the tip of the iceberg...
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